20 March 2009

God, or anyone, please save the world....

There is so much worth fighting for on this planet, in this life that I don’t even know where to start. There are so many holes where you can put the money, the effort, the small but important attempt. What problem is the most crucial? Where is the greatest need for my help and who the hell should I listen to?

In a confusing time I decided to listen to be able to learn more out of interest in my own life. But I think many people did the exact opposite. Maybe they decided to wait until the “big guys” had become one unit with the same goal and method to get there. I believe that conflicts among the experts, the professionals, the world and national leaders were one of the reasons for the world’s slow awakening. The people wouldn’t take action until they were sure of something, and how to be sure when there is no strait information. For a while there it just felt like there was one big question...

And the big question was always: Who and what is to blame for the environmental situation? When you think about it, what ever problem it is that we are having, it’s for some reason important to have someone to blame for the damage. But I’m wondering how that will help us. Who ever we are going to blame; God, Bush, The United Nations, the lack of environmental protection, no one special or everyone, the damage is already done and in the past. The future and the chance of changing the negative growth curve is ahead of us. The only reason to look back should be to learn from the mistakes we made, probably because we didn’t know any better. I don’t feel the need to find the bad guy, I feel like we are in this together we just have to make everyone understand that.

There is one thing that I would like to know though: When did the knowledge of the environmental problems reach the leaders of the world? When did they start to discuss the global warming issue as a crucial one?
I would say that it took them a couple of years to realize how serious the problem was, those years when the most of us were still in the dark. What I am saying is that this is for some of us a bit more fresh than it is for others and people need to get informed to understand and than get to action. It can’t all happen at the same time, it is a process and they take time when there is 6 billions involved.

So where is the major problem and what can I do? Does it even matter if I do anything? I mean what difference does it make if I stop or start doing something if nobody else is? I think that these are the questions in the normal “Svensson” family, where we are in the process right now. When I realized what I could do I got stuck again because there is so much in this world worth fighting for: The green grass, the small children, the smell of the forest, the people you love, the sound of the ocean, the beauty in the stars, the fantastic animals and the feeling of the rain coming down on you. All that is worth fighting for, and I am willing to fight I just don’t want to choose between them.

One reason for the slow awakening of the environmental problem is probably the fact that we all have to make prioritize, and so do the national and world leaders. Before the environmental problem seemed so crucial I guess they made other prioritizes, they spent the money, the effort and attempts on other more crucial issues at that time. And how am I to blame them for there actions when they didn’t know any better. What would make me angry is if the “big guys” did ignore the reports telling the story of a really negative growth curve, that would make them everything but responsible, humble and respected.

If realisation means getting to action I do think that it is taking long because we get stuck and the answers are many and hard to find. Time is our enemy and getting stuck; thinking and wondering is the one thing taking time. We just have to remember that the world is one big thing and everything on it is connected to each other in one big unit. So putting your effort in too one small part is actually a help for the big unit in the long run. Thank you God, because we don’t have to choose. So people get to action! Do the little thing you can and do it now!

14 March 2009

How you doin’ since the world turned Grey?

Are you really a human being if you haven’t been in love with a character from a TV series? Is it really possible to be a teenager and not fall in love with at least one person on TV? I fell so hard that my room was full of posters and I kissed HIM goodnight every night.....sorry to disappoint you but I don’t intend to tell you who he was. That will be my little secret....

At the age of 24 I have to admit that I still fall in love with doe’s characters. But I like to think that it’s different now. I don’t like Joey in Friends because of the way he can seduce me with a ‘how you doing’, I don’t worship McDreamy in Grey’s Anatomy because of his hair, I don’t adore Ross in Friends because of the way he believes in unconditionally love and I most certainly do not like Dr. Karev in Grey’s Anatomy because he is the bad one. I defiantly don’t dislike them for does qualities, I mean I’m a girl, but I also don’t love them for all that. I love them for so many other reasons. Reasons that have to do with them letting me in to their crazy world of relationships, work, friendships, parenthood, fears and happiness. They let me leave my own grey world, if just for an hour, to be a part of theirs.

What is so great with being invited to Seattle Grace Hospital or the Central Perk? For me it’s the perfect mix between reality and fiction, humour and deadly seriousness, great sunny days and terrible grey ones, life being easy and life being hard. Grey’s Anatomy and Friends are like life it self, if you don’t know how to be happy and laugh you don’t know how to be sad and cry. They have the meaningful and important ingredients to be perfect TV series, my favourite ones. So I have to say: I’m doing pretty well for living in a Grey world! How you doing?